Never Get Stuck, Get It Fresh Again

Do you feel stuck?  Maybe
you don’t like the way your life has been going lately, but can’t seem
to change it. Perhaps you’re struggling with an unhealthy habit that you
know you should stop, yet still continue despite your best intentions
to change.

No matter how stuck you may have become, you can move forward with God’s help.

Here’s how you can make a fresh start to change your life for the better:

Look beyond yourself to God.

Your ability to make real and lasting changes to your life is limited, even when you try your hardest.  Rather than relying just on your own determined resolve to change and your own positive thinking (which may improve your life temporarily but not lead to permanent change), connect to God in prayer daily and rely on the strength that He will give you to truly change for good.  God loves you too much to let you stay stuck; He wants to help you become the best person and experience the best life possible.  Invite God to give you a fresh start and cooperate with His work in your life by following where He leads you.

Define success.

If you’ve been chasing success in the form of wealth, significance, or security, you can get stuck never really achieving the success you want.  Recognize that God defines success far differently than our culture does.  From God’s perspective, a successful person focuses on giving, not getting.  The way to achieve true success is by serving other people for God’s glory.  Keep in mind that, no matter how busy you are, you can always find the time to do what you most want to do.

So make service a top priority in your life.  Pray for the ability to discern specific ways God wants you to serve.  Start small; simply see a need and meet it.  If you find that a certain way you’ve tried to serve turns out not to be a good match for you, keep looking for other opportunities to serve well.  Be sure to take time out from serving to rest, though, to keep your life in a healthy balance.  When you make service a vital part of your lifestyle, you’ll experience life as Jesus experienced it, and you’ll have more of His love flowing through you.  That’s the ultimate success.

Keep going strong.

Stay closely connected to God so you can live with passion each day and depend on God’s power to help you live out the right values.  Your fresh start can keep propelling your life in the right direction.


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