Signs Of Spiritual Tiredness

We are called into long race. One thing about running a
marathon is that there is the possibility of getting tired along the way. When
a man is becoming weary in his Christian race, he begins to fear what he never

•    Elijah had challenged the king and the people of Israel to
godliness. He singled-highhandedly shook the nation with the power of God. He
engaged the prophet of Baal in a duel and defeated and killed them. But in
1kings 19: 1-4, he fled for his life at the threat of Jezebel. He was becoming

•    Similarly, Moses happily led the children of Israel through
the wilderness for several years. But at some point, his enormous task was
getting at him and he asked God if he was their father and that God should take
his life. He was getting tired.

Spiritual Tiredness

Ways of identifying those who are
getting tired in their Christian journey are:


  • When you begin to question the truth you once upheld or find the
    standard of God’s world becoming too high for you.


  •  Are you now wishing it were lowered? Are you questioning why
    Christians are not allowed to marry more than one wife like unbelievers
    and other religions do? It is because you are becoming tired.


  •  Also, when the ministry you once enjoyed has become what you
    must endure, you are becoming tired.


  •  When you find yourself always complaining over what you should
    have thanked God for, you are getting tired.


  • If you find it difficult to forgive and look for ways to even your
    cores with offenders, it is a sign of spiritual tiredness.


  • When you are ready to quit the assignment God gave to you before its
    completion, you are getting tired.


 The lord will renew your strength. If tired, take some rest, and wait on
the lord (Isa40:13). Take a holiday, rest and use part of the time to talk to
God. Meet spirit-filled believers and leaders to counsel you. It shall be well
with you.


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