Growth: Condition For Blessing

Text: Matt 9: 14 – 15, Ephesian 1: 3

Your spiritual height determines the power that is made available to you. The
higher you soar, the more powerful you become. The higher you climb, the more
your control of crowd, affair of life and destiny and spirit. Every blessing you
will ever need has been reserved in Christ Jesus and he seated in heavenly
places. This simply tells that your blessings are not from earth but heaven.
The man who labours with all his focus and expectation from earth may be
disappointed. Also, your blessing is not in the hand of any man other than the
lord Jesus Christ himself.

condition for blessing

How can you access your blessings when spiritually seated
together in the heavenly places in Christ, but physically living on the earth?

1.    You have to accept spiritual positioning: As long as you do not accept that you are spiritual seated
in Jesus Christ, you may never access your blessing in Christ.


Your location must be harmonized with your spiritual
 This means it takes spiritual giant to access his
blessing in the heavenly places. In other word, the more you growth, the more
are empowered to receive your benefit. That is why God places emphasis on
faith, growth, obedience and knowledge of him.

3.    Work on your faith level: Develops your faith level through regular study
of God’s word.

4.    Reviewing your personal testimonies and listening to the testimonies of others

5.    Listening to the messages of genuine servant of God.

6.    Obey the word: You cannot grow spiritually without obeying
the word of God.

It is time to nurture your faith. If you have stopped growing
you have blocked your access to your access to your blessing in the heaven
places. Are you experiencing normal, abnormal, epileptic or supernatural growth?
Whenever type of growth you are witnessing is a product of spiritual diet,
hunger and exercises.


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